Origin Story

female childcare worker and little toddler engaged with puzzle at daycare surrounded by books and toys

The roots of the CCPU Training Fund trace back to a groundbreaking collaboration between family child care providers and the state of California. After a 17-year journey marked by challenges, these providers successfully united under Child Care Providers United (CCPU) in 2020. The union, bringing together UDW/AFSCME Local 3930 and SEIU Locals 99 and 521, negotiated a pioneering contract with the state in 2021, securing substantial funding for worker-centered professional development. CCPU extended its support through the SEIU Education & Support Fund (ESF) to establish the innovative CCPU Training Fund. Aligned with our community's needs, this Fund is dedicated to delivering provider-led training programs on business and child development, a registered apprenticeship initiative, a peer coaching network, and essential tools for accessing online workshops. Every step of the way, family child care providers have been integral in shaping the CCPU Training Fund to address our most crucial needs.

Rooted in Resilience, Pioneering Change in Early Education with the CCPU Training Fund

ccpu childcare providers gathered at training in California

Empowering Futures: Shaping Early Education with Family Childcare Expertise

Guided by our Theory of Change, we firmly believe that family child care providers hold the unique perspective to articulate professional development needs as educators, business owners, and community leaders. With a rich legacy of providing culturally responsive, high-quality early childhood education, often in the language spoken at home, our providers are the cornerstone of positive change. By aligning training resources with their expertise, the CCPU Training Fund strives to elevate early childhood education statewide. Our vision includes supporting providers in delivering the highest quality education, sustaining their businesses, and ensuring all children across the state receive the top-notch education they deserve. As a result, we foresee a future where the expertise of family child care providers is widely respected, contributing to enhanced compensation, increased retention, and greater resilience in the industry.

Family child care providers provide the foundation for early childhood education across the state of California. 40,000 family child care providers serve children who receive subsidies for childcare, providing culturally responsive, high-quality early childhood education for low-income Black, Indigenous, Latine, AAPI, and other communities of color across the state of California. Family child care providers are at the forefront of ensuring an equitable educational foundation for all children.

Family child care providers are an incredibly diverse workforce of predominantly Black, Latine, AAPI, and Indigenous women of color. Family child care providers speak approximately 50 languages statewide and are often the only early childhood setting where children can receive an education in the language we speak in our homes. Family child care providers also provide non-traditional hours of care is also a huge need that FCCs almost exclusively meet.


Language Justice

We believe that everyone has a right to communicate in the languages we choose and that all languages hold equal value and deserve equal space. Family child care providers speak approximately 50 languages statewide. The CCPU Training Fund is committed to growing our capacity to ensure that everyone can access our programs and benefits in the languages we choose.

Racial Justice

We believe that all of our work should lead to racial equity and remove systemic barriers for Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. To create the system of early childhood education our children need, we believe that working for racial justice is essential. Our commitment to racial justice shows up in the structural solutions we seek, the way our programs are structured to follow the priorities of the family child care workforce that is overwhelming women of color, and the internal policies and practices of the training fund that seek to further equity.

Learn more about our primary training offerings

Dive into transformative learning experiences with CCPU Training Fund. Our carefully curated trainings cover essential aspects of small business, child care provider skills, mental health support, and educator-led communities of care. Explore our diverse offerings below and elevate your journey in family childcare.

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